Thursday, November 19, 2015

heyyaaaa people.
okay lama gila tak merepek kat sini. memang diabaikan kut blog kesayangan aku ni. muahahaha. don't wory, I love you, babyyyyy.

sekarang tengah cuti sem lagi, so memang aku spend all my time with ma phone, lappy, and tempat beradu aku. ahahaha. no one can make me change my mind.
and of course lah kerja aku duk ber fanfiction and ao3. now, on my way to write a fanfic about sterek. say whatttt??!!! say yeah! but still,.. 300 words ++ only. doesn't get the idea to continue this. idea, come to mama babyyyy.

and also spend my time scrolling the tumblr, ig and twitter about my fav casts! teen wolf casts! ehem dylan. ehem my love. ehem ma baby. ehhhh. everyone yang pernah kenal dengan creature bernama nad ni comfirm tahu yang aku ni memang obses gilaaaaaaaa dengan DYLAN O'BRIEN. I LOVE THAT DORK SO MUCH! seriously. I know that he has a girlfriend. hello! britt is one of my fav actress ok. she's so cool and very carefree. and takde nak canang'2 about their relationship. i ship them with all the ships that can be ship. muahahaha.

speaking about dylan ehem. eyes full of hearts. masa aku tengok tst with one of ma bebis, memang aku tak boleh control ma emotions because suddenly dia ada dekat the big screen where i always watch him thru my tiny laptop screen. and when i can see his upturn nose, his cupid bow lips, his freckles, his moles, and his stupidly attractive eyes.did you know what that do to me. countless damage okay. and the movie is so fucking great that idek dude. i am so hung up with the storyline and me being a fangirl is not helping. at all. urghh. and i was shaking masa aku keluar from the theater like literally and physically shaking. because it was too much. seriously.

and last week saja lah main bukak my bro's lappy and i found that he has the movie, so aku transfer lah. OMFG people. i keep tekan je the space bar to pause it because it is TOO MUCH and then i cried because i was so hung up okay. but bravo to all the casts. i love each and single one of you, ESPECIALLY DYLAN. hahaha

let's cakap topik lain. hrmm about Paris and how stupid most of the adults are. like seriously. how can teenagers with a fan accounts are more aware than the adults? i don't even fucking know. and they say that they should put Islam to blame? are you fucking blind or something? terrorism have no religion! and then i read that these teenagers are naive and that the adults know better because they live longer. WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT. THE. FUCK. these teenagers spend all, if not half of their time fangirling with their fav idols okay. it's like the center of their life. why on earth does these teenagers are more aware than you guys? why can the think rationally, but you guys can't? what's wrong with your minds or even your mentality that you guys can't even see something so obvious? adults should show others good things. what makes you think by saying those things that you guys are showing something good? it's so mess up okay. please acts according to your age and stop showing your stupidity. sincerely, me. a teenager who spend most of her time obsessing over dylan but still can see through your fuck up minds.

lastly, i wanna talk about gay. honestly i am okay with gays as long as it's not islam. sebab thats so fucked up okay. aku tak kisah korang nak kata hipokrit ke pe. thats what i think about this issue and sebab this is like my diary and i can talk about anything that i want thru this and its not like there will be someone yang akan baca mende ni. i dont think so. and kalau ada, i am soooo sorry kalau kau kata aku ni pelik or some sort. everybody deserved to love and to be loved. whats wrong with that? tak kisah lah kalau dia minat gender dia sendiri ke pe. and aku ni memang minat sangat tengok youtube and bila tengok gay youtubers, i think nothing wrong with them, just they like their own gender. duh. thats all, what define you is your personality okay. tak kisah lah pasal genders bagai. and pasal apa aku kata aku tak kisah janji bukan islam, sebab as a muslim, we have our guidance okay. we have the quran. and as far as i know, kalau kita berpegang dekat quran, kita takkan terpesong jauh. i mean, maybe ada bengkang bengkok sikit, terlajak sikit, tapi banyak yang lurus kut. macam masa kita lukis graf lah. its not like we can cross every dots from the experiment. means, ada lah lagha dia, like girls, tak tutup aurat perfectly and stuffs. not everybody is perfect, but we try to be better. back to the main topic, aku tak tahu apa'2 about other religions, so apa hak aku nak benci pilihan hidup penganut agama'2 lain? aku memang takde courage nak belajar other religions, sebab takut iman tak kuat. so, ada paham? tapi takde lah aku terus like nak membenci the muslims yang gays. if memnag depa tu buta agama acanor? kena tengok situasi jugak lah. tapi aku ada baca lah things yang memang selalu lah. being gay is not a choice, being homophobic is. urgh sorry sunshine, but everything that we do in our lives are based on the choices that we made. so no. you have a choice in being gay and you have a choice in hating it. aku harap tak ada lah yang terasa. maybe otak aku ni dah kootor sangat kut sampai pikir macam ni. idek.

i guess thats all kut. dah tak tahu nak cakap apa lagi. heee.
keep calm and love dylan o'brien


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