Wednesday, February 17, 2016

like whutttt

so i think everyone dah tahu pasal omegle right?
yeah. the chatroom. that chatroom.
so, i was on it the other day bc alyn keep insisted us to like take a look at it
and me being me do the exact same thing as that
and people keep like lets have sex
like whuttt
asl asl asl asl asl
kik snapchat
like whuttt
but then
then i met leo
like he was the omegle warrior or some sort
he said he was a she at first
and i was like cool, me too bc im pretty sure the vagina gave me away
and then he said that he is a guy and hes like whiplash the guys that keep asl asl asl asl asl
kik snapchat
and i was like thats so cool dude
and then we found out that we have the same book obsessions
and then he asked me what kind of music am i into
and i was like emo till the end, patd mcr fob
and he was like the emo trinity
and i was like, you too exclamation marks and i just blurted it out that hes my bestfriend
like whuttt
we hit it off right then
so yeah
and we call ourselves each other's twin
like whutttt

its nice to meet you, you dork
keep in touch, twin. :)


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