Saturday, September 30, 2017

so tadi aku keluar with pewds, syed, alif and helmi and ni first time kut aku keluar dengan dorang and they are so masuk air i had so much fun. legit pagi tu i keluar jog with pewds then she belanja makan roti canai and im a happy bitch by then sebab bitch free food and then we all go to dewan besar sebab ada program dekat situ so aku pun macam ikut je ah. the coupon is at stake at that time soyeah.. then pewds ajak makan seoul garden and movie so aku macam hokay then. sebab i wanna make as much as friends as i can get!
then we all pun naik uber. legit pewds order uber x. theyre 5 people okay and dapat honda jazz so macam okay je ah. tak sempit sangat. then makan dekat sana. which is the first time for aku, helmi and syed. so noobie gila and dorang ended up kaut banyak gila thingy the table is fullllll. so macam it was nice sebab legit i tak pernah kenal dorang pun before this and i had so much fucking fun.
so macam the makanan is so banyak and macam semua orang dah angkat white flags so i found a new way. i legit suapkan semua orang so that theyll finish it. hahahaha. legit so berkesan. and ada jugak ah yang syed tu jadi bangang sikit nak try wasabi challege. sudah menggelupur mamat tu jadinya. it was so so so so fucking funny. we laughed so hard.
and after that dorang nak tengok jackie chan but i legit malas nak tengok. so i told em yang yguys go and watch the movie while aku stroll around the mall and pewds tak bagi. she said shell buy me the tix so i macam okay then. and then syed cakap dia nak tengok kingsman and i was like nak i teman tak? sebab kingsman was nice okay. tengok second time still nice. but the tix dah fully booked time tu so we all ambik the screening after that. so ada like an hour to spend so paksa syed masuk popular but dia macam boring je. so i asked him jejalan masuk yubiso and tried the products there. tapi kan tak banyak sangat kan? so we ended up masuk the drug stores. hahahahaha legit tried the testers, cleansers and many things lah. dia jadi my experiment. tak pernah doh first time keluar jadi rapat macam tu. legit ada one time tali kasut aku terbukak, time aku ikat tu dia gurau ah cakap kalau tak aku boleh ikat. then later on tali kasut aku terbukak lagi tau. tengah jalan. and guess what? yeah i legit suruh dia ikat kan. and dia ikat doh! sambil lagu ed sheeran talking out loud duk pasang. hahahahaha sumpah couple sangat siot. tapi memang mamat tu gentleman af ah. masa movie pun nice jugak. the kind of person yg kau boleh masuk air tak timbul timbul. everyone of em. every single pne of em tu masuk air.
then dah sampai uitm. tah macam mana boleh pulak tersembang benda pelik dengan alif. mula mula deep throat je then choke me daddy lah cekik saya abah ah. and we bonded over that. sumpah bangang hanat. and yang paling funny sekali kan. at first the only ones yang understand the term tu just both of us so memang macam helok sangat lah gilanya tu.
but ended up having so much fun ah. i tak tipu doh.

mannn it been months since i last updated here doh
kay so the story is..
like couple of months back masa aku punya birthday like apa yg dah diketahui, most of my friends forget about it so that thing. that one thing macam turning point tau bagi aku
macam buat aku fucking sedar yang im not important for em so aku macam im done bitch im fucking done
starting from that, aku start buat prinsip baru. aku akan kawan dgn semua orang. bukanlah before this aku tak kawan ke pe but biasanya aku pergi dengan so called roommate je
but this sem, dorang tak tunggu aku pun weh masa daftar. legit daftar sendiri je. alasan parents dorang marah. memang lah aku boleh buat lek wat chill je but kemon ah. aku pun ada feelings jugak doh. kau dah janji nak daftar sama, then fucking suddenly kau daftar korang je while yguys have your fucking parents there. nampak sangat aku tak important doh. kawan apa macam ni. macam nak cakap tu salah aku pulak. aku bersyukur jugak lah aku tak sebilik dengan korang sebab nampak korang macam fake. okay ah maybe aku pun fake jugak, tapi siapa tak fake kalau macam tu? so jangan nak blame aku ah. so aku punya prinsip baru aku taknak cari bestfriend sebab macam pointless je kalau cari among korang je. i tried to further my horizon. im loking for friends. i legit put boundaries around me sebab with those boundaries lah aku rasa selamat. safe and sound. buat apa nak terhegeh hegeh dekat orang lain when said people was just taking you for granted ffs!

Monday, August 14, 2017


I am OFFICIALLY 20 and I'm not happy
Yknow I was thinking that maybe my friends will wish me yknow like cmon bitch its my fucking birthday im not turning 20 every fucking day but nope so understandably lah for me to be bitter and in a bad mood
The most bitter thing is when you expected this certain someone to wish you and they didnt okay maybe they forgot but how could they?!! Am I not important or what? Ya know I dont give a fuck about this shit. Yeah im bitter, im bitter as fuck.
But that is to be expected lah weh what the fuck even is this.
I cried when I saw abang's insta story this morning where he wished his gf a good morning and I was so hurt by that man. I was fucking crying for fucks sake. Later baru he wsed me saying happy birthday and it was soooooo abang that it made my fucking day. Im soooooo low maintenance. Im not kidding. Its not a joke. Kay then. Lemme wallow in my self pity. Im allowed to that that!
I'm officially 19th
it has been a whirlwind reaching this
im one year older. yeah! am not happy
thank you for all the wishes, yguys gonna make me blush!
moving onnnnnnnn
ive been through a lot!
first, i wanna say thank you to my mom who raise me for more than a decade alone. the strongest woman ive ever known. i love you, ma. i really do.
next, to my brothers, to my my big ole fam. sankyu fam. fam sticks together.
my girls, the ones that kept me in-check. the ones that called me ed bcs hey thats my name. loveyaaa girls so much! never judge me. always acah acah terer jawa eventhou mashaaa allah ke laut wehhh!
then to my loners, alyn and anaz. the one yg always stick with me, yg always lend their ears, yg always gimme advice, yg susah senang sama sama. yg kalau someone of us jatuh, we'll gelak dulu then baru tolong. the ones that i know, theyll always be there.
then to my beauties, ivy and raven. i love you both so much, yguys means a lot to me. never thought that we'll be best friends. but hell yeah, we did. and yeahh. im like the nerdiest between us. love yaaaa guys. seriously do!
leo, yas, nicole, giu, mari, pooja, fariha and many more. thank you for listening to my ranting.
not to forget the princesses here in uitm. old housemates yg still keep in touch. all the friends that ive made.
my sraim friends yg still remember me, yg still gurau ganas nak matey, yang jenis carut lucah semua nak full force. appreciate korang yang pervies ni. hikhik.
serious talk thought, throughout the years, ive lost some great friends but i gain tons of new ones after. i just wanna say that, its okay if you doesnt wanna be my friend, im okay, im not that bitter for a person. but just so yknow. it doesnt really affects me. are you so special that i need to be yr friend? well newsflash bitch, im a catch for a friend too. my friends are so lucky to have me as their friend. just so yknow