Saturday, February 23, 2013

#Update 04 (Luahan Hati)

Assalamualaikum wbt.
benda ni takde apa-apa kaitan dengan Luahan Hati, Kristal tu. ni luahan hati Eddie Ishak.
don't worry, post ni takde kena-mengena dengan sekolah or whatsoever. this post is about me, about what I really feel.
those school things actually effected me A LOT! and so... I am kinda lost control .. sometimes. and. this post relates to my best friend, my best buddy, my besties

she got a problem with her friends and then she told me about it. but, heyyyyy!! I'm having my own problems too. and I'm kinda frustrated a little because whenever she got a problem she will, definitely TOLD me. and for the last time, I'm kinda burst out. and saying that 'it's ur probs, not mine' and the she replied me just 2 letter, 'ok'. that means, she mad at me. and then, realise that maybe she is angry with me, so I apologised to her but yeah.. she just replied this, 'hrmmm'. okay baby girl. what are you trying to say here? I mean. kau ingat kau sorang je ke ada problem? aku takde? aku ada, okay! kau keeps worrying about kawan dekat sekolah lama kau. I mean, grow up, kiddo! kau dah pindah kan? so, why bother to care about your old school, huh? I'm sick of it. kau keeps talking about your problem to me. tapi, kau tamau tanya pun kan apa masalah aku? I'm a human being. so normal lah untuk merasa SAKIT HATI, SAKIT JIWA. but you, you didn't even care. for real? kau kata aku ni kawan yang baik? okayyy. why?? sebab alu selalu dengar problem kau? let me tell you something. kawan akan selalu dengar problem kawan dia. itu apa yang aku selalu buat dengan kau. tapi,kau? kau tak pernah buat something like that.

sorry kalau kau rasa aku melampau. but this is what I really feel. Assalamualaikum..

#brought to you by Encik Sam.

#Update 03 (my TRUE feeling)

sekolah baru. ohyeah babbyyy!!! new school. wanna talk about it.
maybe ada yang tatau but right now aku ni BUDAK SMK. doesn't sounds good, huh?
seriously,,, I miss my friends. rindu 97 generation rindu cik hassan. rindu bibik. rindu toilet. rindu semuanyalah!!! and above all of that I miss the environment there. I mean, I miss it y'knowww? rindu nak datang lambat tengok muka pak guard yg dah sah2 tak sedap mata memandang tu. haha. gurau sajaaaa. and yeah~~~ batch kami ni adalah batch yg paliiiiiiiiiing RELAKS! fail satu kelas pun buat muka dono je. dah mintak maap, dah janji tamau buat pun still buat agy. sangat ohsem bukan? IMISSTHEMSOMUCH! even batch kami bukan batch yang pandai2 like batch 98 yang tak payah pergi kelas petang. (jealous dgn dorang!) but, aku still rasa batch kitorang ni da'boom!

okayyy. sudah termelalut pulak. dekat SMK, aku masuk kelas ST. stands for Pure Sc. baik tak? baik apanya? pening tawu? aku lagi rela menghadap sejarah tu! poor me. and ketahuilah. kelas aku tu majoriti CHINESE. ketahuilah, peluang aku dapat last place sangat tinggi melangit. sukaaaaa tak? menyampah tau tak?!!! daaan aku tatau why banyak sangat 'ketahuilah' dalam post aku  ni. maaf! dekat kelas tu sepatutnya duduk dengan Didy and Pa'an. but depa dah pindah. so, aku duduk ah sebelah Anaz. and dalam kelas tu macam wujud unsur perkauman tau tak? Melayu dengan Melayu. Cina dengan Cina. yeah~~ something like that DO actually happens y'know? ep. dekat kelas tu aku banyak bergaul dengan Atin, Shud and Sarah.talking about RM and Bio. okaylah aku rasa.
but kalau boleh, aku nak masuk SAMTAJ. semua budak yang pindah AKAN teringin nak pindah balik their old school. (except untuk budak yang memang menyampah dengan sekolah lama dia.)

and I miss to baca do'a before kelas and says Assalammualaikum, cikgu instead of Selamat sejahtera, cikgu.

that's all from me. till the next post. Insya-Allah.

#as usual, this post is also brought to you by Encik Sam. :)

Monday, February 11, 2013

#Update 02 (This Is What I Really Feel)

actually? tak ada apa-apa pun yang nak diupdate. saja    je.
hrmmm.. now, dalam reading list ada dua: Cinta Sedingin Mint and Cinta Gila.
memang menggiloooo ler ni. tengah kerja macam gunung Kinabalu tu, boleh lagi aku nak membaca? awesome tak awesome?
and.. like what my friends notice (Mimi and Sasa) muka aku selalu moody sejak masuk SMK. well? ofcourse! kalau korang tak bagitau pun, I can sense it myself.. haha. geram jerh!!! sangatlah frust menonggeng with all the subject and when I think about the exam, it freaks me off! dah terbayang-bayang aku dapat last place. percaya tak? 
honestly speaking aku lagi rela masuk SMKA where aku tak payah risau about the exam because like what my brother do; belajar happily. and y'know how I study in SMK? study tensionly, hardly.  I don't know either why I talks about this thing.
it's just that I don't have anyone to talk to about this thing that I decided to write about it here. Sorry. Biane. Gomenasai.
so, till the next post. Assalamualailum

#this post is also brought to you by Encik Sam. :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

#Update 01 2013

this would be my first post for this year. hehe
how ya doin'? doing just great?
last year, I took my PMR examination and guess what?
I got 6A for my PMR. and this year PINDAH! masuk SMK and ambik Sains Tulen.
what a journey I have here.:)
this would be a short post as I am using my Encik Sam to write it.
Encik Sam stands for my little Samsung Galaxy Chat. (yohoooo! new phone!)
so, till the next post. Assalamualaikum.