Monday, February 11, 2013

#Update 02 (This Is What I Really Feel)

actually? tak ada apa-apa pun yang nak diupdate. saja    je.
hrmmm.. now, dalam reading list ada dua: Cinta Sedingin Mint and Cinta Gila.
memang menggiloooo ler ni. tengah kerja macam gunung Kinabalu tu, boleh lagi aku nak membaca? awesome tak awesome?
and.. like what my friends notice (Mimi and Sasa) muka aku selalu moody sejak masuk SMK. well? ofcourse! kalau korang tak bagitau pun, I can sense it myself.. haha. geram jerh!!! sangatlah frust menonggeng with all the subject and when I think about the exam, it freaks me off! dah terbayang-bayang aku dapat last place. percaya tak? 
honestly speaking aku lagi rela masuk SMKA where aku tak payah risau about the exam because like what my brother do; belajar happily. and y'know how I study in SMK? study tensionly, hardly.  I don't know either why I talks about this thing.
it's just that I don't have anyone to talk to about this thing that I decided to write about it here. Sorry. Biane. Gomenasai.
so, till the next post. Assalamualailum

#this post is also brought to you by Encik Sam. :)


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