Saturday, December 13, 2014

A new journey

Ya Allah. It has been ages since aku write something here. Hahaha.
Now, SPM pun dah say byebye dekat aku. Yeahhh. Not doing anything actually. Trying to plan something with my friends but none of it work out the way we planned it. Yeahh, life's sucks. Knew it.
Sometimes aku fed up dengan life ni. Aku tahu aku tak patut fikir macam tu. But, it manusia's minds kan? Mana boleh kawal. Tindakan luar kawal okeh? Sila lempang lelaju. Heee.
Okehh. What's new about me is that now I'm not a school kids anymore. That means next year tak dapat bantuan 100 ringgit tu lagi. Hesyyy. Back to the main topic. Now, aku ada instax. A yellow instax mini8 yang aku bagi nama Eric sebab aku rasa Eric Nam tu cute sangaaat. Haha. Apa lagi eh? Takde lagi kut.
Saja mention, just now aku terfikir yang aku nak travel sesorang. Buat sendirian berhad punya destinasi bajet. Yang lawaknya ku terfikir mende ni masa tengah dalam bathroom. Okehh. Enouhh for the details. But I have one crucial problem. Try nak convince ma aku whether dia accept ke idok plan gilo anak dia ni. Haha. First place aku nak pergi is Muar. Sebab dah ages tak balik kampung. Quite weird ah nak rasa situ kampung as aku rasa dekat 8-9 tahun aku tak balik sana.
It has been my dream to travel alone, buat suka hati je kan? Ni penangan aku tengok Walter Mitty lah ni.
To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind the walls, to draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That's the purpose of life.


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