Thursday, December 31, 2015

its 2016 already!
very surreal.
2015 taught me a lot of things and ive gained tons of new experience from it
first time for everything. first time mohon tu mohon ni, first time interview, first time lah nak experience what the fuck is the bloody independence duk tercampak kat utara nu ha. rasa lah nak kena belanja tu macam mana. nak berjimat bagai. seksa kut. first time kut merasa puasa sendiri even thou aku biasa puasa bukan buka ngan famili pun, feeling lah nak acah acah nyanyi balik kampung ooooo balik kampung bagai dalam bas tu, tup tup hamek kau! tertinggal bas. tu pun experience gak tu. nak balik kampung, nak beli tiket, comfirm sold out. last resort? balik kl lah gamaknya. dah balik dengan baneh, kak paten ngan lica. amik kat pudu. tu feeling balik kampung bebenor tu. dengan jammnya bagai. then, nak kena buat choices sendiri and be responsible with those choices. and I met a lot of new people. met some internet friends. Ivy and Raven yeahhhh!!! explore new things tu dah pasti ah.

2016, be good to me


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