Tuesday, July 26, 2016

teen wolf is ending
and i kid you not ive been crying
like i keep on crying bcs this is too hard
i know that this will happen someday
but i never thought it would be sooner rather than later
and ive been cryiiiiingggg
like this show had been a part of me for years
and losing this part of me is so hard
this show gave me so much
 and it just sooo hard

Friday, June 24, 2016

aku baru balik dari stb
and sumpah lah jadi fasi ni aku blur gila nak matey weh
nasib baik lah ada faiz yang boleh lead and amir yang tolong
budak budak kat situ mashaa Allah
nakal tu nakal, tapi comel pun ya jugak
sangat cute weh
mula mula tu memang dorang susah lah jugak nak open up
dah lah kena halau dengan kecik sebab katanya nak cakap hal jantan eh kuangasam nya awak ni
tapi dia lah yang paling open up kut yang layan je kitorang kakak abang abang fasi ni
then jumpa lah Amir and Reza
susah gila mula mula tu nak cakap dengan dorang ni
nak mintak diorang open up kat aku yang introvert ni kau bayang lah woi
one of the slot kitorang mintak dorang tulis apa yang diorang nak capai dalam life, kenapa nak capai dan untuk siapa matlamat tu.
time tu lah duk sembang sembang, mula mula just tanya je apa kemahiran diorang. dua dua bakal baker okey
gurau gurau then baru lah macam story life diorang. apa yang diorang buat, apa yang diorang duk kesalkan
betapa beruntungnya dapat masuk sekolah tu
diorang buat aku realize kut lots of thing
betapa berharganya friendship ni, brotherhood diorang sangat kuat
manja pun kemain jugak
"akak buka lah sekali dengan kitorang, tak kan nak balik dah kut,"
memang overly attached kut aku kat diorang ni
dengar cerita diorang ni sebak jugak lah
dua tahun tak dapat raya dengan family, niat nak puasa dekat rumah tahun ni pun tak tercapai,
sumpah lah sedih
masa ambik gambar tu pun aku macam, korang duk belakang akak okey?
tu pun masa nak balik salam cium pipi muah muah dengan vice principal tu, budak'2 tu ada kat tepi, sempat lah wish Amir selamat hari raya and selamat berbuka
dekat luar dewan before naik bas sempat say byebye dekat kecik and Reza

serious lah
budak budak ni memang pernah buat silap tapi perlu ke diorang dihukum lepas diorang start nak berubah?
aku memang cakap terang terang "akak bangga gila kat korang and akak respect sebab korang banyak ubah perspective akak,"
they are given a second chance, don't let your narrow-minded mind clouded those thoughts of them
they deserved to be better and to have a better future

akak harap korang tak kan ulang kesilapan yang korang pernah buat, solat jangan tinggal, dik, pilih kawan betul betul, capailah impian korang sebab korang mampu.. akak tahu and akak bangga gila dengan korang. thanks open up kat akak. bagi akak new insight pasal life. sumpah akak takkan lupakan korang. kalau ada rezeki, inshaa Allah kita jumpa lagi.. and korang boleh bagi akak rasa roti korang yang sedap sangat tu. 

biarkan apa masyarakat nak cakap pasal korang, yang penting korang tahu hala tuju korang dan buktikan dengan dorang yang duk pandang rendah dan serong dengan korang tu yang korang pun mampu dan korang boleh!

Friday, May 20, 2016

things im thankful about

im quite thankful lah ada abang abang yang just a phone away
dulu masa daftar u ni bapiq yang hantar dengan abang mama family semua
dulu masa tertinggal bas balik raya, lepastu pergi lah kl.. call baneh whatsapp abang sebab aku pun tak tau lah weh sayuuuuu hati ini makin sayuuuuu
baneh ambik kat pudu okeh then buat roadtrip kl-selangor.. sumpah lah sayang baneh hahaha
then kalau aku frust menonggeng ke pe aku spam abang sebab abang aku duh suka hati aku lah
and kalau aku nak jawapan yang straight to the point yang takde liku liku tu aku tanya abang aku sebab lelaki straight to the point kan?
tu je lah kut
tapi best lah ada abang

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Hashtag SiblingsGoals sangat

Friday, April 8, 2016

a sneak peek to my dekstop

Thursday, April 7, 2016

okay. so today i saw this All Time Low's new video and through this they show that they kind of like vid chat with their fans
and guys
i cried bcs its so fcking beautiful
i know how it mean to have that kind of inspiration in yr life
like yknow these guys and you hooked with these guys
and suddenly you met these wonderful fans that shared the same interest as you and guys
its different okay and thats priceless
like we shared he same love that maybe others cant understand
and maybe
thats why
i cant let go of suju
bcs they gave me so much
like ive gained tons of friends that im not embarrassed to call family
bcs they are, deep down.. i love them so much
like when i fought w someone, or when im worried w something, they were the one that i seek bcs i know they will be there, they always are and im so grateful for that
and no. i dont think i can ever let go of that
and actually im not really a hustlers, im more of astronauts kind of girl
and yeah
im not really a forthcoming kind of person
im that one dork that always keep everything to myself and when i cant hold it in anymore ill start crying in my room like a total weirdo
my outlet? my diary, i guess
and yeah ive got tons of them
i mean ive got these fancy notebooks and itll go to waste if i just let it go.
my blog too
but im not really like talk there
ive got this tendency to not trust others that easily
it took me ages to be able to tell others what i really feel, to share something w someone else
that, plus my introvert?! pffttt! its such a nuisance
and yeahhh
thats why i love music
bcs the lyrics sometime reflect my situation perfectly
and simple plan's welcome to my life hits me more that i thought it would
the lyrics mannnn it goes wayyyyyy downnnnn my soul
actually one of my abangs that introduced me with them, like one day i was messing w his phone and mannnnn he and his brothers were the one that open my eyes with the greatness of simple plan, good charlotte, mcr and others. like damnnnn when i first heard their songs, i bluetoothed it to my phone.
idk why the guys in my life always got this special power to identify good music like im not i guess
but the point is
music sometimes could be more than something to fill yr ears.
music could save lives
music could change people
it could open someone's eyes to be better
to be your fcking self without caring what others might think

Sunday, February 28, 2016

i wanna like talk w a complete stranger and then suddenly
slipped out
TARDIS DALEK C3PO BB8 Anakin Bilbo Muggle Ravenclaw or other geeky stuffs
HELL! even if some itgids came out


i want a guy that wont call up on my geekiness
and ill keep my mouth shut on footballs or video games
even thou
i will always think of CR as an inspiration and Steven Gerard as one of the most loyal footballer ever
or I watch Pewdiepie in my free time or I enjoy Markiplier. like... itsokayyyy

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

im that kind of person yg akan dengar GOOD CHARLOTTE SIMPLE PLAN bila aku sedih
yang suka hati je bantai lyric MCR P!ATD FOB semua
yang kalau geram biar pekak telinga ni dengar Crown The Empire Beyond The Horizon bagai
yang akan cair dengar Andrew Velasquez Brendon Urie Gerard Way Patrick Stump
yang kalau time nak mellow tu pasang AVA FAMY
yang suka bantai emo sebab relates dengan diri ni

Friday, February 19, 2016

todayyy i wanna tell you guys about my dream guy
like im a girl dude
like i need to have that kind of list
so basically i want someone taller than me
like thats the first thing that crossed my mind every time someone asked me this
next someone who can understand my obsessions and try to adapt w my crazy self bc lemme tell you im kind of hard to handle.. ask my mum if you dont wanna believe me
and when i went to my fangirling mode he will be there and just shove it as me being me
and he tried to understand a little about it
and like when i do something wrong he will try to gimme advice as discreet as possible
and when going anywhere, he will be the first one that suggest us to perform our prayers
and he choose his mother over me
the most importing thing is he never let out the L bomb unless he really meant it
the last one is the one that truly important
people said it like its a normal thing
but the thing is love is a really beautiful thing
its so sad to watch others destroy it by saying those words mindlessly.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

like whutttt

so i think everyone dah tahu pasal omegle right?
yeah. the chatroom. that chatroom.
so, i was on it the other day bc alyn keep insisted us to like take a look at it
and me being me do the exact same thing as that
and people keep like lets have sex
like whuttt
asl asl asl asl asl
kik snapchat
like whuttt
but then
then i met leo
like he was the omegle warrior or some sort
he said he was a she at first
and i was like cool, me too bc im pretty sure the vagina gave me away
and then he said that he is a guy and hes like whiplash the guys that keep asl asl asl asl asl
kik snapchat
and i was like thats so cool dude
and then we found out that we have the same book obsessions
and then he asked me what kind of music am i into
and i was like emo till the end, patd mcr fob
and he was like the emo trinity
and i was like, you too exclamation marks and i just blurted it out that hes my bestfriend
like whuttt
we hit it off right then
so yeah
and we call ourselves each other's twin
like whutttt

its nice to meet you, you dork
keep in touch, twin. :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

why i love series.
bcs for me, its not just a bunch stories, its a journey
its a journey not just for the cast, but also for the viewers
knowing these facts are quite amazing for me
the fact that i can even thought about this is quite unbelievable too
you see, watching something means that you devoted yourself to it
can you imagine wasting your time in front of your TV or laptop to finish a season?!
that took a lot of effort okay!
and not to mention, one's devotion to even download the series
bcs lets face it! its a rule that it wont end with just a season.
and i love that fact
for some people, maybe thats tiring bcs you need to wait for a bunch of seasons to reveal the truth
but for me, thats a chance for me to see the character's growth
to see how much changes had happened since season 1
and that, my friend is priceless
and when the show is gonna end, its like saying goodbye to your best friend
its like saying goodbye to another part of you
thats what i hate about series, when i started to get attached to it.. that happened
but thats the cycle

i think if teen wolf is gonna end, im gonna cry for a couple of days


okay nowadays, I'm quite stoked with The Production, a dance crew that I found on youtube
what I love the most about this crew is that, in each of their routine, they'll send a certain message to the viewers and dude that was so good.
being a student, I tend to feel hopeless and giving up always crossed my mind. and when I found out about this guys, they make me realized a lot of things. they are doing thing that they enjoyed the most in their life. and seeing that, that is one of the reason why I keep going. I wanna do what they are doing some day. I wanna achieved something and when that happened, I wanna be that someone that gonna tell others to keep going. I wanna prove to them that I used to be at their place and I managed to get up from that state, I managed to wake up from that nightmare. its a long way, I know.. but its okay to dream


Sunday, January 24, 2016


see the title?
so yeah. that happened
thats the craziest thing ive done in my life and i hope that i can do more!
so, the thing is. it was a last minute plan
our plan was just the night market in Feringhi.
we donno where to sleep and stuff and just hoping that therell be hotels available for us.
we went by ferry and and then we went to 1st A to watch The Boy with two of our friends who lives in Penang. (dont watch the movie, its a waste of money.)
after that, syira and i went to Feringhi by bus. seriously guys. and we found a budget hotel! yass! actually theres a lot of hotels that you can find there. no need to worry about that actually. and then we went to the night market! we spent quite a lot there. hahaha. but one thing for sure, you need to walk along the way to find the best price bcs sometime you can find the same thing with a better price. we found this one aunty who sells with the best price we could ask for. but her stall is almost at the end of market but yeahhh.. she sell the cheapest mann!
and then we went to 7E for some maggi. and theres a promotion for Mirinda which is RM1. sayyy whutttt? hahaha. the next day, we have our breakfast at Subway and we heads to the beach!
PARASAILING beaches!!!! i cant believe i did it, but i did. it was fun bcs I WAS FLYING BITCH!
then we went back to jetty and rent two bicycles for us. and the uncle was so worried about us. the road was so busy and i think that everyone kept watching us and i donno man. it was weird and im pretty sure that we broke a rule or two while cycling. we looked for nasi kandar and we picked nasi kandar line clear. and lemme tell you, we were so out of place there. they said it was SELF SERVICE! when we wanna scoop our rice the workers stopped us and they picked it for us and the portion was so big! it was for two to three person to eat okay! and dont get me started on the drinks. it was so weird! i dont even know what i was doing when i think about it now. 
then we took a bus to komtar. spent some time at Prangin Mall and have a lovely sip of green tea. if you know me, im a 'hantu starbucks' and to save money, i cant have it! and to make things worse! theres a lot starbucks in Penang okay! you can find it everywhere there! 
then we went to aina's house in bandar sri pinang. her house is near the beach, and theres a platform if you wanna stroll there. we bought some foods and drinks and spent some quality time there. watching some puppies. and then we went to mcd and called it a night. the next day, we went to Queensbay and i bought some foods and lemme tell you something! thatll be the last time i went there by bus! i wait more than two hours for the bust to arrive. and thats the end of our journey. we went back to uitm after that.
when i tell my mum about my journey, she kept laughing and explain things to me and i was like, "manalah iti tahu!" "mama jangan lah gelak." and i laughed too. urghh.
and why i love going out is bcs i can see the outside world. when we first arrived, there was this uncle in wheelchair and he couldnt get off of the ferry and there was this myammar(i guess) guy who helped him out and even when the uncle say that its enough, the guy refused to let go and keep helping till they arrive at the platform. that truly warmth my heart. and made me feel excited with the journey. and when we were eating maggi at the 7E, we saw the interaction between a local and a tourist kids. they keep joking and stuffs. and idk man. its so good to see that kind of scene in front of you, yknow. and when we were in the bus, some tourist met another and he was like "how is it going? where are you from? im from san diego" and the otehr guys was like, "good, im russian," and they kept the conversation and i kept eavesdropping them because i found that kinds of conversations was so cute.
what i thought was, if i was just gonna dream about something, better start to live the dream.
babbling aside, here are some pictures from this getaway. 
adios amigos.

Saturday, January 16, 2016



Thats ma dream since I was a kid, I mean
I am a kid, right now. (but you get what I mean by that)
Actually NO.
I dont think youll understand this
I am a NINETIES babies and we're no longer babies

And I think that I wanna cross that particular line in ma bucket list ya know.
Travel to other places, understand other cultures, meet some new friends.
Like, in my mind.. I think that if Im just gonna thought about,
why the hell am I not fulfilling that wish?
It will feel like thats just a dream.
And it's sad that dream going to waste just like that.